If you believe the nightly headlines, the world is a bad place—and getting worse. And the future, we are often be led to believe, is grim and hopeless. However, Diamandis and Kotler’s Abundance takes another view. Their book reframes often pessimistic conversations about the future. Instead of readily accepting conventional beliefs of a hopeless global downward spiral—mass starvation, population explosions, dwindling natural resources—their book first posits that A) many challenges are not as dire as we may think (and are actually improving), and B) that we are on the precipice of a set of technological advancements that could help solve many of today’s problems. Technology, they argue, offers humans opportunities to tackle some of their greatest challenges of this century. For this assignment, you will utilize the Toulmin Model to construct a rhetorically-sound argument in support of Diamandis and Kotler’s view of the future.
Note: Only Abundance should serve as the source of your grounds (e.g. evidence).
Use THIS template to present your claim in outline form.
Due: Wed 3.16
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